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Archive for the Clotilde Courau Category




Clotilde Courau is Some French Slut in Her One Piece of the Day

Her name is Clotilde, which is probably one of the weirdest names I’ve ever tried to write out. She’s from France, was some kind of actress before doing what all smart girls who realize their beauty is fading do, and that’s marry someone with enough money that they can settle down, pump out some babies and not worry about having to settle for a lifestyle less than what they are used to. She married a Prince, so she’s set, and I’m only really posting this because she’s in a bathing suit and I am bored of anything that involves girls who aren’t in bathing suits. It’s the one thing that I know will remind me that life’s not so bad, even if the bitch in them isn’t so good, especially when she’s breaking all the rules of her European background by not being topless.

Posted in:Bathing Suit|Clotilde Courau