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Archive for the Colostomy Bag Category




Colostomy Bag Influencer of the Day

My friend Stefan, who we assume is a closeted homesexual or a FED trying to lure me into some kind of trap, wrote me a great joke about the girl with the colostomy bag has the cleanest asshole, which I don’t know is entirely true since you’d think the whole getting the stoma bag would be mean having your asshole sewn shut, so that there wouldn’t be any weird discharges, but there would also be no entry point making a clean asshole of any real value…

Well, as it turns out, we’re in a world of influencing being the number one GIG economy job that feeds one’s ego.

We’ve come to a place where oversharing is the key to life, that’s your hook, your lack of shame your power and for some reason it sucks people in.

So instead of feeling shame about a medical condition, or a medical contraption that exists because people have to get them, so people out there have them, they treat it as a way to empower themselves, market themselves, monetize themselves…

It’s a “I can’t shit like a normal person, but I have a bag that catches all my shit that’s totally visible and thus seen as disgusting, but my quest is to just prove to the world that it may be a shitty thing, literally, but you gotta look at it with a positive attitude and see it for what it is…..a new hole to fuck”.

I’m paraphrasing here, but how about some STOMA BAG erotica for you clean asshole shitbag lovers…and it’s not like she chose to have this done like some kind of transgender cutting his dick off, it’s kind of a forced situation and embracing it probably a better way to live….plus it’s a new hole to fuck!

Posted in:Colostomy Bag