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Archive for the David Letterman Category




Jaoquin Phoenix On Letterman of the Day

I am sure this has made its rounds, it’s a clip of Jaoquin Phoenix from letterman, where he’s pulling some kind of stunt, you know slow to answer, unshaved and chillin’ like he’s high or medicated, but watching this makes me want to get on whatever fuckin’ pill he’s on or pretending to be on. I mean he’s an actor and who knows what is true. I think playing uninterested would be easy, I do it all the fucking time, so I am not convinced he’s actually left acting for a rap career because that’s what he wants to do, even if he’s from a crazy family with a history of drug use, or if he’s actually doing this as part of a bigger project like a documentary or whatever the fuck they are reporting, and I guess it really doesn’t matter, because it’s funny, whether it is a real celebrity falling out or just a publicity stunt and Letterman handles himself pretty well.

Bonus – Bar Refaeli was on Letterman and Her tits are Better than River’s Brother.

Bar Refaeli On Her Way to Letterman…

Posted in:David Letterman|Jaoquin Phoenix