I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Dena Cortese Category




Jersey Shore Continues to Offend in a Bikini of the Day

Like a cockroach, or the AIDS virus, these Jersey Shore garbage humans refuse to fucking die, and continue to get their shitty bodies into bikinis, despite having no business being in bikinis, reminding me of everything wrong with bikinis, despite my general love for bikinis, which is just something I don’t like.

I hate fat chicks who think they are hot cuz dudes fuck them at 3 am when wasted. I don’t care if you fuck 300 dudes bitch, you’re still a fucking pig that no one wants to see half naked.

Especially not when sober.

I mean look at this sloppy sack of shit. It’s the worst..but you probably like it, you know with the whole tits thing.

Posted in:Dena Cortese