I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Ella Hunt Category




Ella Hunt Bra of the Day

Ella Hunt Sexy

Ella Hunt is not Helen Hunt’s daughter. She’s from the UK and has been in movies like Les Mis where Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman sang in the worst possible casting since neither can sing….she was also in some Apple TV+ thing, because Apple produces their own bullshit in a series called Dickinson with Hailee Steinfeld and that’s basically all I got on her.

This is some perverted photoshoot of her in a bikini top all oiled up looking like a rotisserie chicken, the way you like your women, you sick fuck….

She’s not all that hot or amazing, but I guess when the team at apple is figuring out what the fuck their next move is to get idiots to sign up to their failed streaming platform, they make her as hot as they can to get the perverts out there fan-boying her.

She only has 50k followers – so she’s not famous yet – but at 22 she’s got all the time in the world to break through and this is a good start…strip down…get seen…make fans…exist.

I guess this is the new way to fame now that Weinstein’s method has been thwarted with his prison sentence!


Posted in:Ella Hunt