NOT TO BODY SHAME, but I am a body shamer at my core, and a firm believer that bullying is not that big of a deal and if you think it is, it’s because you’re fucking weak…
Funny enough, calling a fat bitch fat doesn’t mean I won’t change her fucking diapers when she’s in her 50s, half dead from obesity related illness, but not dead enough to give me the freedoms I deserve.
So seeing the fat daughter from shameless showing off her fat fucking tits, as fat girls tend to have fat tits, if they’re the lucky kind of fat girl, isn’t gross to me…but it’s still worth pointing out.
I just think that if you’re a BBW pig who posts erotica, lingerie videos, and not even for an OnlyFans, but as a way to filter the right cock…then you should be prepared for some body shaming from those who hate it, or think it is hilarious or just want to point out the obvious…like they are…
If you’re comfortable dancing around half naked…doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at it, I mean being comfortable dancing around half naked, should mean you don’t care what I think….
Shouldn’t your pride in your nudes and the feedback you get from chubby chasers be enough?
Changing my OPINION seems OPPRESSIVE….let me have my opinion and we’ll let you have your all you can eat buffets to keep your fetish work going…we may not invite you over for a BBQ cuz our pockets aren’t deep enough to afford that…but we can live in unison on this planet, even if your carbon footprint by default is about double the size of me and I’m a fat old man…
SO I don’t care if the fat girls do it, I am all for more smut. I don’t care if people fuck it and love it, if anything I am glad it happens….
I just don’t like that I can’t laugh at it…cuz your confidence isn’t real confidence, real confidence wouldn’t give a fuck…it wouldn’t get hurt….
The Hatred of your self ain’t my fucking problem….
I’m just glad she’s not Emmy Rossum.

Posted in:Emma Rose Kenney