I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Harley Green Category




Harley Green is New Tits to Zoo of the Day

Harley Green is some new tits for Zoo magazine that I figured I would do a post on to encourage her in her first voyage into the land of international titty model….a place that is sometimes a little scary to fully jump into…especially if you were raised with morals and values and a dad who loved you….a place you never thought you’d be venturing into when you were growing up…cuz showing your titties is slutty and something you do for private time….before realizing that the money is easy, the fame is easy, and the whole thing just makes you better and smarter than girls working regular day jobs…too pussy to bother entering this amazing world…but resenting you for doing it….

Good luck on your journey Harley Green.

Posted in:Harley Green|NSFW