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Archive for the Hatchet II Category




Some Nudity in Hatchet II of the Day

With a plot like this, I can’t believe this Hatchet II shit didn’t win an Academy Award…

Marybeth escapes the clutches of the bayou-butcher Victor Crowley and returns to the swamp with an army of hunters and gunmen, determined to end Crowley’s reign of horror once and for all.

This shit has a way better storyline than that Iraq War masturbatory shit that won last year…or whatever other bullshit smut Hollywood is celebrating cuz they are paid off and the shit is totally corrupt…staged…insider job bullshit that their little community is in on to scam the rest of America and distract them from what’s really important…like fucking…

More importantly how did Hatchet I go under the radar…I mean shit with this storyline the first one must have been a fucking mind rape…

At least there was nudity…something that always makes a video worth watching….and here are the clips…

Sarah Agor….with her Best Supporting Actress performance of a slutty girl with daddy issues…

Charlayne DeVillier…..with the blackest name on a hick….and her performance of a chubby white trash bitch who busts the POV killer….

Shit like this makes me wish I wasn’t too busy doing nothing all day so that I could write a movie…I figure if shit like this is being made…I could be the king of bad movies…I’ve got endless ideas for real low level crap with tits…Maybe one day.

Posted in:Hatchet II