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Paris Hilton Goes Home To Poon

I guess the problem with being in the public eye is that you have no privacy. That’s what all these fucking celebrities complain about, but they don’t realize that they have created this world for themselves by accepting lots of money from all kinds of people. I just sold a post on my site for $50, I am not dissin’ anyone for being a sell-out, I am just sayin’ that being in the public eye can be really funny, especially when Paris is seen running out of a club with her ex-boyfriend Stavros the Greek heir. It’s pretty clear that when you run out of anywhere holding hand, and jump into a cab, you are setting yourself up for a serious poonin’. I have never really had an official ex girlfriend, girls usually hate themselves after they sleep with me, but I do know that it is bad news to revisit that kind of shit. I once had once bitch go crazy on me, cuz I fucked her once, and showed up at her doorstep 6 months later for another round. I didn’t realize her husband and kids were home/back from their trip to DisneyWorld, and this motherfucker got taken away in cuffs, by the cops….point of the story is once you’ve fucked it, it should be dead to you.

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