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Archive for the Isabella Fonte Category




Isabella Fonte No Panties of the Day

I don’t know why this FONTE girl’s face is shining like she just went down on a fat girl after her pussy ate a bag of Fried Foods, because her mouth was busy eating cake, but there’s a serious GLISTEN going on here.

Maybe, this is just the evolution of the JERSEY SHORE fake tan on some Italian look, who fucking knows..

What I do know is that Fonte is a TikTok sensation, in a skimpy dress you’d expect to see on some model at Studio 54 in the late 70s, because slutty pantyless pussy flashers aren’t a new thing….

I also know that she’s professionally trained ballerina, probably a rich kid, I mean she does fly private jets and I don’t think it’s just from the TikTok money, but maybe her dad’s a “restauranteur” or in “Waste management”….if you know what I mean…”THAT’S RACIST…ITALIANS CAN BE LEGIT BUSINESS PEOPLE”…and just because her name is ISABELLA FONTE doesn’t mean she’s knee deep in Pasta Parties, it could be a stage name, since she’s basically a modern stripper who doesn’t strip.

The point is, she’s a hot dancer who CAN actually dance, which isn’t a prerequisite on TikTok but should be…unless you’re a bad dancer on there going viral with dances that used to make your friends laugh back in your club going days…because that’s just such a stupid way to get fame and fortune, it’s almost a mockery of humanity, or whatever it is we have left of it, so it acts as confirmation that WE ARE FUCKING DOOMED.


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Being Hot of the Day

It’s Isabella Fonte! She may look a little bit too Jersey Shore for your liking and you may be amazed that self tanner has gone back to that level of LOL like it was still Jersey Shore but I guess it’s one of those you can take the girl out of Jersey but you can’t take the Jersey out of the girl….a little Jersey Girls are Trash is the Story I heard…and I don’t even know if FONTE is from Jersey, she could be from Staten Island or some other NYC suburb and what I am trying to say is that she’s hot…and a professional dancer..

I know that TikTok is communist China technology to destroy a generation of Americans, while spying on a generation of Americans, in what should be BANNED, but it’s fun awkward dances, 6 seconds of slutty behavior is all it takes to get famous and have all their dreams come true….and if that isn’t a sign of a fall of society, I don’t know what is…

You used to have to put in work, go to auditions, try to be creative or interesting, maybe make miracles happen….even Playboy chicks of the past did more than just get naked…they had to be human trafficked to rich people, abused, raped, etc….while this generation of slut happens in their parent’s basement…

All this to say, Isabella Fonte is a trained dancer, with a dancer body and she’s fully deserving of any fame she gets from being a hot slutty dancer…you know because at least she can fucking dance…unlike these other hot clowns out there monetizing off their TikTok…


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Still Hot of the Day

Watch on TikTok

Watch on TikTok

I forgot that Isabella Fonte existed, there are just TOO many slutty and hot girls out there producing content, in fact there are too many slutty and NOT HOT GIRLS editing themselves to be hot girls making content in efforts to live the hot girl life, since the world is one giant text based SEXT…you can pull off the fake hotness for a long time…just NEVER go to any influencer events and if you do, just tell people you’re the fucking waitress not the star..

But yeah, TikTok, a very obvious attack on a generation of people from an evil doer who doesn’t want a strong future generation…and if I had kids you can guarantee they would NEVER access this shit…where whores are rewarded in views for doing awkward talentless dances…which seems to be the point…

It is funny when you see the top paid TikTokers make more money than top Fortune 500 CEOs though…so I am into it on that level…but the content is just so shit, the girls are so shit, and it’s obviously by design…

Luckily, some of the girls, like FONTE are actually hot, actual dancers, very flexible and clearly rich as shit….in tits and in flying on private jets and for that reason alone, we celebrate her hot party dress..

Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Ass of the Day

Isabella Fonte Hot Young Thing…is one of those TikTok sensations who probably deserves to be a TikTok sensation rather than the other pigs that they are packaging as TikTok sensations by throwing money and Kardashians looking for clout at them…because TikTok was a “dance” app for the perverts to watch girls dance…before migrating into the comedy and truther platform it seems to be now…all designed by the Chinese AI experts who know how to show you shit that they want you to see, or what you want to see, to keep you distracted and indoctrinated…you know TECH is so COOL for THAT….

But yeah, it was a dance app and this hot girl with her hot dance body is a professionally trained dancer and not some randomw awkward bitch badly dancing….which is fucking important.

I realize that talent isn’t celebrated, digital marketing is, and that social media has basically allowed for a lot of HACKS to have a voice, a platform, a way to monetize without any marketable skill….but why would our society celebrate people with skills, that’d be CRAZY, when we can just keep things vapid and meaningless..

POINT of the story is, Fonte, a rich kid in her 20s, has that flexibility, that dancer body, that athleticis, that rhythm thanks to that connection to her body, and all those things would likely make her a great fuck, which I guess is what it all comes down to…staring at girls who would never fuck us as they remind us how good they’d be at fucking, provided they weren’t the hot girl who just lays there and takes it because she knows she’s doing you a favor type…


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Pussy Print of the Day

Dancing may be fucking dumb. TikTok may be an attack on the fucking system from China, tracking, making a file on each American for when they make the takeover official, or whatever….but people fucking love it, and people love getting paid to be part of it…because money cures all sadness, it’s the American dream…if you make enough of it, you can buy all kinds of expensive things to show off to the world about the scam you pulled off pretending it’s because you’re special..

But Isabella Fonte is fucking hot….So whether she’s a TikTok dancer, or a professionally trained ballet dancer she’s also a fucking fetish….and it may not an intentional fetish model, since she’s not selling butt plug pics on OnlyFans…. but a fetish model nonetheless….

Her body, muscle memory, skillset, means she’s got a whole lot of flexibility, which is pretty fucking hot to watch…I mean impressive at the very least…

So .whether I think dance is fucking idiotic, embarrassing and half retarded….not just based on the people who watch dance videos or the popularity of them….but that’s got a lot to do with it…


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Panties of the Day

TikTok may be an embarrassing and idiot concept. It would probably be the kind of thing that brought shame to another generation when they got famous from it, but this generation has no shame, it’s all about the fucking clout on social media, and doing really low level shit like dancing erotically in the lamest fucking way, is celebrated and rewarded, which is actually pretty fucking funny to the serious and uptight thespians of the world who go to acting school to become the best celebrity they can, and these TikTok idiots lip synch their way to steal their jobs…because it’s about followers bro, not skill…

TikTok may also be Chinese spyware banking all your info in the event they ever take over America or you end up in an important position they need to blackmail you with videos from your front camera of you jacking off to a TikTok dancer…but that’s not the point..

The point is that some of the people on TikTok like this Isabella Fonte, straight from Long Island looking, Italian rich kid looking, hot bodied TikTok Dancer, is actually a trained ballerina who brings her flexible ballet moves to our lives in skimpy outfits which I find hot…

So as dumb as TikTok is, there are some good things on there, not all bad things are all bad…there is good in everything and this Fonte girl is all good. Real good.


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Panty Flash of the Day

TikTok is stupid….I wrote about it earlier today…I don’t need to repeat myself….

I am not the target market because I don’t like dance, I think dance is fucking dumb, unless there’s a vagina scene at the end of the dance…which doesn’t happen nearly enough…so TikTok is just the first dance to get dudes interested in the full service back room dance…you know to market to the higest bidder…

I have always found dance stupid. I don’t think anyone looks all that good while dancing, ever…even hot chicks…the dancing takes away from the looking good because every dancer looks like an idiot, it’s just such a stupid thing to do, even if you can visualize how the girl dancing can fuck…

But sometimes, a professionally or pretty advanced trained dancer comes along and drops actual ballet skills and flexbility on instagram, while dressed slutty enough to keep me interested, and it really puts the fake dancers, even though they are friends with the Kardashians to shame…you know, they do the trending dances badly, the retard kids who will never expand their mind follow each move and try to recreate it at home…but bringing someone with actually training in…is just a fuck you..

This Isabella Fonte, possibly the daughter of a Long Island mobster, who has a condo in FLorida as she would, is one of the hottest of TikTok that I know of.. and look how flexbible she is…

The cocktease, the idiotic dance, more tolerable when the girl can eat her own asshole…


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Lingerie in Alligator Alley of the Day

Isabella Fonte is some TikTok girl who reminds me of the daughter of mobster in Long Island or some shit, but more importantly, she reminds me that not all that happens on TikTok is terrible, because this one is a professionally trained dancer, she does Ballet, and she gets half naked, and together she does ballet half naked….

I don’t know what this shoot is, but the boots in lingerie is amazing enough for me….sure seeing her wrap her legs around her neck in flexibility TikTok challenges is good, and is also what she does to get those followers and to make that internet money….but the weird corset and what could be sheer panties, cuz shit looks like you can see full pussy, is also good.

This is the kind of influencer or tiktoker we need, cuz she actually KNOWS how to dance and get half naked, rather than those other girls who just know how to get half naked….she wins.

Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Cameltoe of the Day

TikTok may be insane…..it may be some terrifying spyware that tracks all you Americans….it knows what you are doing, it watches you through your camera, it reads your texts, it knows your location….it’s GOT you by the fucking balls…access to your photos and videos….all in preparation for the big Chinese takeover of America when America falls the fuck apart…or at the bare minimum archived to be used againset this younger generation when they are older and in political positions…you know LONG GAME that….all fully legal according to Apple’s store….SCARY…

But TikTok and it’s advanced chinese machine learning tech has really narrowed down the content needed to lure in americans…..and that’s half naked stupid dances…that’s all it fucking took…and people just ate it the fuck up…

So I don’t use TikTok, I don’t know the big TikTokers, but I do know it’s the troll of the century….feed people views, they’ll keep on producing, cuz they all want to be Kardashians…it’s messy.

I do know that there’s WAY too many under 18 year olds on the platform dancing provocatively for you perverts into that….which should be enough for it to get cancelled, but when it’s China owned and China owns you, it can’t be cancelled.

That said, one of the TiKTokers I like, who is not a Kardashian dick sucker or a took being used to push some agendas is this Isabella Fonte girl…who has Italian Long Island energy, who looks fucking great, and who is professionally trained as a dancer…not to mention she’s showing her pussy definition in her dance which is basically the whole fucking point of having a vagina as far as I’m concerned….I’m a fan.

Isabella Fonte

Isabella Fonte Cameltoe


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Isabella Fonte Pussy Print of the Day

The world may be fucking nuts on so many levels, including but not limited to a Chinese spyware app figuring out how to take over America with a very simplistic platform to get people dancing, or watching dance, usually half naked dance, because people are exhibitionists and perverts into watching exhibitionists….

So I don’t fuck with TikTok, I don’t bother with it, I find it idiotic and more importantly not very shocking that it has the success it has because it’s a lot of girls dancing half naked for attention….oftentimes underage making it creepier…but probably generates more views that way….because the backbone of TikTok is all based on the DATA of their users, meaning it is just a mirror of what the American people are into and what content they are into consuming….mindless shit.

I will say that TikTok videos are more creative, interesting, even funny than Instagram, but that’s like comparing two evil things, both are evil, and pretty much for the same narcissitic, vapid, dumbing down of society reasons….but instagram was far more about “influencers’, like their “a-team” of content creators they kept showing, who ended up all becoming spokespeople pitching brands, in the lamest commercial ways, where TikTok still has the ability for people to go viral..

Not that you care about my feelings about TikTok or how fucked we are as a people, due to perversion, willingness to be perverted, and the whole pornification of America…

BUT I figured I’d give some context for Isabella Fonte, who isn’t the most followed on TikTok, but who is some Jersey or Long Island looking Italian, on some Mafia daughter who winters in West Coast florida kick, who is a trained dancer and who does her trained dances in bikinis, or leggings, because it’s her stage to do what she wants, and sometimes, despite dance being idiotic, that’s fun to stare at, especially when it’s on some 1990s website, versus a sophisticated Chinese Spyware app…


Posted in:Isabella Fonte