I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Jennifer Pugh Category




Jennifer Pugh Hot Campaign of the Day

Her name is Jennifer Pugh…and this is her campaign for something called Fete Champetre.

I know pretty much nothing about this model, other than that with my basic knowledge of the English Language….I would pronounce her name as Jennifer Poo and Poo is disgusting….unless her name is PUG…which is amazing, and makes her my soulmate, since I am the pug whisperer and all I do is pug…it’s in my social media assholes so it must be true…and based on this campaign – I am totally into whispering into her PUGH asshole…and determining whether she’s less of a PUG and more of a POO…using my tongue…

That’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Jennifer Pugh




Jennifer Pugh Hot for Elle of the Day

Part of the reason I am posting these pictures of Jennifer Pugh is because she’s a hot model in some tight clothes showing off her fit model body that is making me horny….the other reason is that her last name is poo.

Posted in:Jennifer Pugh