Her name JESSICA LEE BUCHNAN. She is a “Proud South African” whatever that means, I mean it could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To some it could mean the same as saying she’s a “white power” enthusiast, because of that whole Apartheid shit, or maybe because of the high AIDS rate, or maybe because of SHARKS, or maybe she’s really into legless Olympic heroes taking out his girlfriend….or maybe it’s just the beauty of the country, the women, the South African experience…BUSH MEAT…I don’t know…but this is a photoshoot of her and some wild cats doing some Blonde Bombshell of the 1960s style shoo you’d expect to find in your grandfather’s porn box after he died. Is this Bridget Bardot? Who fucking knows but more importantly…who cares.’
Posted in:Jessica Lee Buchanan