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Archive for the John Edwards Category




Hilary, Obama and John Edwards Do Late Night TV for Votes of the Day

I would question what kind of country I live in when the people who are running for office spend most of their time promoting themselves, fishing for as many votes as possible, by making appearances on late night TV shows trying to be funny and trying to connect to the people, because I guess even they think that Americans are just a bunch of idiots who sit in front of a computer or TV and who can only connect with people who make them laugh or who they consider celebrities because they see them on TV. The presidential candiates are on some “celebrity” shit and are dumbing themselves down to be the next Paris Hilton, with hopefully a better inter-racial sex tape for the democratic party to have something interesting to offer than this whole end the war bullshit.

I guess the answer is the kind of country with major poverty, a shitty economy, a huge percentage of uneducated people, a huge obesity problem and who bomb countries wrongfully like some kind of cowboy lookin’ for some Indians to shoot up with no care for consequence or remorse for killing millions of people and spending enough money that could have been spent to find the cure to cancer or HIV which they probably don’t want to do because disease makes money. The kind of country that made The Hills the number one rated show on TV, that made Kim Kardashian famous and the kind of country who would vote Kermit the Frog or Britney Spears into office if they were candidates because you like the way they sing and still wouldn’t be able to name the 50 states, bordering countries or even who they voted into office, because college is about flashing your tits at Spring Break parties in Cancun and not about learning….

I find this shit offensive. Obama Does Colbert Report

And John Edwards Does Colbert Report

Posted in:Barack Obama|Hilary Clinton|John Edwards