I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Justine Ezarik Category




iJustine in a Bikini for Social Media of the DAy

I guess we’ve come to that point in the world where social media internet stars have become celebrities in their own right. Their youtube channels are making them 100,000-300,000 dollars a month, people love them, and they may not be on actual TV or movies, but they might as well are, in a DIY way.

Sure they remind me how much I have failed at the internet, since being on it since the late 1990s and being abrasive and hated by all, but at the same time, they inspire me and remind me that there will be countless other opportunities in life I miss out on, and there’s something really depressing, yet inspiring about that.

Justine Ezarik – iJustine – in a Bikini….why the fuck not.

Posted in:Justine Ezarik