I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Karen Joigny Category




Karen Joigny Titties of the Day

Karen Joigny is some hot tanned French model who gets naked or half naked because if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be a contender in the “Next Top Model” contest that is her real life…No brand or agency is going to fuck with any girl who is a prude that doesn’t get naked…so any and all models that are both working, or aspiring to work need to do the nudes…which is a nice turn of events because we live in an era where becoming a model is easier than ever thanks to social media…and because of that more and more girls want to take a shot at it….and the traditional requirements to be a model are basically obsolete since this era is full of weird models making it…the weirder you are the better..

If a fat black asian retard with alopecia, hives, big ears and stretch marks, who is missing limbs, has no gender but two sets of genitals and 8 terminal diseases can make it…ANYONE can..especially when they look as good as this.

Posted in:Karen Joigny