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Archive for the Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger Category




Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger Divorced Parents Syndrome Porn of the Day

I know there’s nothing much to these pictures, but a bigger girl in what is probably her early 20s, is pornographic on its own…you know all hungry for the cock the hot girls are rejecting, because fat girls like male attention, and suck dick proper to compensate….but to add to that, this is Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger, Arnold’s daughter, who is going through her parents’ divorce, and there’s something I’ve learned over the years about kids going through divorces, even as adults, is that it fucks them up and makes them do bad things, to divert from the pain they are feeling inside, and to get some attention from their parents, who are too busy fighting amongst themselves, instead of giving these brats a homelife they feel they deserve….

Seriously, Divorced kid syndrome is hot….or can be…if you find the divorced kid as an adult stil tormented and blaming herself for the collapse of her family…

I can only imagine the tricks this girl can do with her throat/vagina. Amazing.

Posted in:Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger