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Archive for the Kaya Rosenthal Category




Kaya Rosenthal’s Tits From Some Show Called Hightown of the Day

Kaya Rosenthal is apparently some actress who has been in the game for at least 6 years at this point.

I am going to assume her big break is the series called Hightown which no one has ever heard of or watched, but it’s on the streamers…

The series is about Provincetown drugs or cops or cops and drugs and it may be the best show ever and I’m just sleeping on it because I’m too much of a hater to commit….

What I do know is that this Kaya chick gets naked in the show for some titty exposing fuck scenes…and I guess thanks to the internet, we don’t need to watch the show to reach this pivotal moment in the show, we can wait for some other asshole to capture it and upload it for us, even. if that asshole is the marketing team behind the show hoping someone notices the show…

Well, they just got a free AD on here, so all 3 of you can celebrate KAYA getting her fuck on in some mainstream streamer shit and think “if only she had failed in Hollywood and ended up in porn”….probably rich parents.

Either way, she’s the clickbait of the show, cast to show the tits and that should be exhilarating…

Posted in:Kaya Rosenthal