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Archive for the Kayla Gratzer Category




Kayla Gratzer Nude of the Day

Kayla Gratzer is not nearly famous enough for how hot she looks naked in this shoot with the homie ANDREW KUYKENDALL who takes some pretty great pics of some pretty hot chicks. I don’t actually know if we’re homies as I typically believe all friendships with other men, like straight porn, is pretty queer…but I have linked him up with at least one pornstar, that he produced her best photoshoot with, many fucking years ago….so in a lot of ways, I’ve contributed more to his life than he has to mine, however, he’s doing a good job paying us back through his work with pics of babes like this…

What I am trying to say is that this is a barter economy, or should be, had COVID lived up to it’s hype and shut down the fucking world…but instead it was just like some weird summer vacation where people who were going to die, died and 60 percent of other people had no symptoms and were 0 effected by the virus….

ANYWAY…Kayla Gratzer…we like her nude.

Posted in:Kayla Gratzer