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Kether Donohue and JoNell Kennedy Eating Ass on TV of the Day

Kether Donohue JoNell Kennedy Eating Ass

These two eating ass on the TV show You’re the worst….

I don’t know who Kether Donohue is, besides being the one faking eating the JoNell Kennedy ass….I don’t know who JoNell Kennedy is either. I don’t know what this show “You’re the Worst” is either…because I guess I am left in the dark on all things…

Or maybe seeing a fat chick eating ass badly, without seeing the asshole being licked isn’t something I need to see….or get involved in

Which goes to show you that there’s just so much fucking content out there, money is being put into this shit, people are getting paid to produce this shit, millions of fucking dollars cycled through…and people like me, who are on the computer all day, haven’t ever heard of it…

It’s just keeps cycling out to keep the industry alive, like we don’t have enough to watch, between all the options, even though I sit around with nothing to watch pretty much every night…. scrolling through my options, hating all of them….

While shows like this are funded, people are getting paid, and that barely exist…not that I’d like this show..or ver commit to this show…but you get what I am saying….and that is..that ass licking scenes put shows on the map.

Kether Donohue JoNell Kennedy Eating Ass


Posted in:JoNell Kennedy|Kether Donohue