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Archive for the Kira Kosarin Category




Kira Kosarin’s Understands Marketing of the Day

Kira Kosarin is some child star who got her start 8 years ago when she was 14 or 15, probably from that dude at Nickelodeon who was friends with Epstein, Dan Schneider, who is potentially Jamie Lynn Spears’ baby daddy and who run all the creepy Niceklodeon shows that I assume 96 percent of Kira Kosarin’s fans were into because the world is filled with creepy predator perverts…

Luckily, she understands the dynamic of the world where they all yell at the misogynists who sexualize them…but sexualize themselves in the process…almost in a diversion approach to sexualizing….never fully admitting it.

So the girl, who I guess is putting out music now, as they all do because there’s money in music I guess. At least more than in acting….basically admits to her whore tactics in whoring to get people to listen to her damn music….

This is her caption:

now that I have your attention, click the link in my bio to presave Songbird ? #BreakTheAlgorithm
(and check my last post for a sneak peek)

That’s some whore is a whore is a whore, sexualized by her family and team while underage, carrying that into her marketing in adulthood, and it’s all so fucked…but look how good it looks…which is really what matters….

Next stop…spread buttholes….I’m sure ELLEN is loving this one.

Posted in:Kira Kosarin




Kira Kosarin is a Lesbian of the day

kira kosarin lesbian

I wrote about this in the Morning Links, not realizing that it was actually a thing on a bigger level..

I’ll just repost what I wrote earlier:

I saw some graffiti the other day that said something like “Black Trans Lesbian Lives Matter”….for a bunch of people fighting for inclusivity and equality, that’s some niche categorizing….like can you label yourself even more….and reduce yourself to being just a fucking meme…I guess they could do “Black Asian Trans Pansexual But on the Lesbian Side Obese Alopecia Scar on my face from a bike Accident as a kid, with one too many beauty marks with hair armpit and a limp from my diabetes foot…lives matter”….you know so we can all know exactly why we fucking hate you and funny enough it’s not because of anything you identify as….it is strictly because you’re the kind of asshole who would pollute the world and the internet with this bullshit…

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit..you fucking coddled entitled rich clowns….go fucking juggle or do something that requires some level of skill it’s fucking irritating at this point.


Posted in:Kira Kosarin




Kira Kosarin in a Yellow Bikini of the Day

Kira Kosarin posted this yellow bikini celebration of her tits a few days ago for her pervert fans.

She’s got 5 million of them, so even though you don’t even know who she is, unless you know who she is, in which case you should probably be reported to the authorities since her celebrity only happened before she was 18 on a Nickelodeon show. I am not sure it was a Jamie Lynn Spears Baby Daddy show, but I am sure it is equally perverted….

She’s apparently doing the whole music thing, since music is easy money to supplement her social media income and I guess this is her promoting that the right way, the only way girls know how, it will be interesting when this #metoo movement is less hypocritical and women get where they gotta go without showing tit. That will never happen because women LOVE showing tit…and whining about it so you don’t think they are showing tit for attention, that’s misogynistic, even if they are showing tit for attention, that’s her right as a woman, don’t man-splain to her otherwise…fucking stupid as shit.

She’s 22 now, she’s from Florida, which seems to be the hub for these stage parents, I guess it’s either meth, bath salts, fishing or sell my whore daughter to the industry…..

Posted in:Kira Kosarin|SFW




Kira Kosarin Stripper Outfit of the Day

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Kira Kosarin is a Disney Kid, which means she’s a professional sex worker to the pervert execs Corey Feldman wants you to believe, meaning she’s been trained to know how to be an on camera personality from a young age by the best media manipulators who own basically all of the media, meaning she’s pretty fucking dangerous and any of her clickbait half naked for attention content is really just top level strategy being dictated by her handlers. She’s made it this far, had a taste of that American dream parents are willing to sell their kids off to companies for….

The gateway or transition of these Disney Kids is half nakedness, look at Miley or Bella Thorne or even Vanessa Hudgens, because half nakedness gets views, so get those views, and the new generation only respond to people who share their entire existence with them, good, bad, or ugly..it’s reality TV, lets us watch you shit so we know you are real…and with that comes things perverts like us not uses to slutty girls being so openly slutty can appreciate.

There was a time when you couldn’t watch a girl in her underwear do basically everything….but the internet has changed that…making staying at home, avoiding humans, keeping us apart so we can’t revolt more tolerable.

These are the distractions the ELITE coordinate and thus the distractions we NEED.

Posted in:Kira Kosarin




Kira Kosarin Cultural Appropriation of the Day

Nothing hotter than that weird flab of back fat or is that side fat as this bold and dangerous…wild Kira Kosarin performs in some Arabic outfit because she’s not scared of the social justice warriors and their accusations of cultural appropriation…

I don’t know who this bitch is, but I can assure you that’s she’s not a fucking GYPSY…or an Aladin Arabic princess…

She is however a Disney Kid, and thus something you like to see in costume, despite being in her 20s now.

Garbage…but I know you like Cosplay shit..


Posted in:Kira Kosarin




Kira Kosarin Erotica of the Day

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Kira Kosarin is a 22 year old who is just trying to figure out how to navigate this complicated world of celebrity and she’s doing it the right way…through slutty content.

It’s a different time. The audience is on social media and they only respond to those who they think are being “real”….so now soulless actors need to draw up an online persona to rope the fans in…and social media as a whole…involves stripping down to the core of who your fake person is…literally

It requires the casual selfies, the “do my panties look cute” and all IG stories about their period pains and insecurities…

So now all these vapid idiots, like Jen Aniston, are pretending to be humans who idiots want to believe aren’t vapid idiots..

Anyway – KIRA KOSARIN – from Nickelodeon – Doing it up right.

Kira Kosarin Erotica


Posted in:Kira Kosarin|SFW




Kira Kosarin’s Slutty of the Day

Kira Kosarin Slutty Cut Out Dress

Kira Kosarin is slutt on social media – because every girl is…it’s the way of life, the future, relevant, current, on trend, on brand….

I don’t even need to know who Kira Kosarin, to know what her hustle, marketing strategy and objectives are…which is not to get into porn, but to be mainstream by being as slutty as a pornstar…it’s what the people want and by people I mean all of us perverts liking her pics, smashing that like button, cuz we can’t smash whatever is under that stripper dress on the non-stripper….

Speaking of strippers, I remember a time you’d get your phone confiscated at the stripclub, the girls would go mmental, the bouncers mental, and capturing the stripper show to post to the internet was a dangerous act….yet earlier today whilst on the social media instagram story I saw at least 4-5 actual strippers twerking naked on various instagram stories promoting their stripper self because I guess Cardi B has inspired them to own the strip, leverage the strip…so enterprising these strippers are.

Now back to Kira Kosarin…who the fuck is Kira Kosarin….

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Here she almost doing the pussy dance but not quite..

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Posted in:Kira Kosarin|SFW




Kira Kosarin in Underwear of the Day

Kira Kosarin is some kid who was exploited by her parents, they were Broadway performers, her mother as an actress and her father a music director, conductor and record producer…..She grew up acting, singing and dancing because of course she did, why would they have kids if they couldn’t throw them into the industry that they were trying to excel at themselves, you know ship her off to LA to show the world how well trained she was like this was the 20s and they were a touring Vaudeville family, only to get her a gig on Nickelodeon….and some fame…that she could use to build a Youtube Channel…where she can cover songs and one day release her own…

It’s almost text book strategy so many people before her used, but thanks to the internet being full of retards it works…

To make the strategy complete, get her in the trend of the times, in this case Calvins, and have her do a creepy photoshoot for the perverts, that will lead to more creepy photoshoots for the perverts, knowing that perverts fucking love creepy photoshoots and thus boost her numbers…because along with idiots on the internet, there are perverts…just leave a dude alone for 5 minutes and he’s googling “Nickelodean Stars in Underwear” and she brings it…

Posted in:Kira Kosarin|SFW




Kira Kosarin in a Bikini Selfie of the Day

Kira Kosarin is some Jailbait you’ve never heard of, but who wants you to pay attention to. There is always new jailbait to pay attention to. Just leave your house..they are everywhere…just open instagram the SFW porn site…it’s everywhere…

Unfortunately for the real perverts, that’s YOU, she’s already 18, I mean she’s actually 20, and has been doing this for at least 2 years, funny how time flies when you’re anattention seeking slut…. so there’s not going to be a build up of her being more and more slutty for attention knowing she’s 17, before turning 18, because dudes fucking love slutty 17 year olds knowing they can’t fuck slutty 17 year olds…even though those same dudes can’t fuck anything…because they are pathetic losers obsessing over 17 year olds…..so many women pulled the slutty 17 year old, like Miley, to get the hype and ride it…while this one is still pretty obscure.

But she is posting a bikini selfie, so current….

Posted in:Kira Kosarin




Kira Kosarin in a Bikini of the Day

Kira Kosarin getting sprayed in a blue bikini

I guess I should do more posts today…

Here’s Kira Kosarin

I don’t know who Kira Kosarin is.

Why don’t you fucking google it and figure it out for your damn lazy self.

Posted in:Kira Kosarin|SFW