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Archive for the Kristy Goretskaya Category




Kristy Goretskaya for Grazia By Purienne of the Day


I’ve posted topless pics of model Kristy Goretskaya

I still don’t know who she is…I don’t know what Russian Mafia Run cam room she was pulled out of to become a titty model for fashion…but I know Henrick Purienne, or at least his work, and as a photographer, and I say this about a handful of photographers…he’s one of the most compelling and interesting out there when it comes to getting girls naked and making them look good naked…artistic, fashionable, relevant..whatever the fuck this is…

I think there’s nothing more american than Two immigrants producing amazing content for some immigrant magazine that has nothing to do with America, other than the fact that Purienne has a US work visa…which means he has a social security number and the ability to get a US cell phone…and that he probably lives in a Hollywood Hills house far more substantial than anything your white trash ass will ever live in…at least that’s where the top pic looks like it was shot….which is American enough..you know keep the American poor and in suburban hell shopping at Walmart…and give the non-American rich people all the accesss to all the amazing America has to offer #landofthefree…. #USA

Posted in:Kristy Goretskaya|NSFW




Kristy Goretskaya & Jessica Dykstra FOR GQ ITALY of the Day

I’ve never heard of either Kristy Goretskaya or Jessica Dykstra…but upton doing some really low level, lazy research, I have found out some really fascinating information about one of them…Jessica Dykstra….who is from Miami…has a Dutch father and Cuban mother…has done a ton of low level modeling…and is starting to pop up in european magazines like GQ Italy…where she gets topless…because everywhere but America….magazines have nudity and aren’t considered porn…see cuzmodels everywhere…including America…are totally down with being shot nude…but the land of the free and the home of the brave can’t have that …it is not Christian….so thank god for willing girls…trying to get through life without actually working and the Euro fashion mags that take pics of them…cuz these girls are awesome.

Posted in:Jessica Dykstra|Kristy Goretskaya|NSFW