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Archive for the Liz Berkley Category




Liz Berkley’s Ass in White Pants of the Day

I think it’s a little presumptuous that Liz Berkley shows off her menopause pants to the world because no young fertile woman would be caught dead in white pants for fear of the nightmare of getting their period while wearing their white pants, because we all know that shit always hits when you least expect it, like before a hot date with a dude you want to fuck, or when you have a vacation at the beach planned and most importantly when you are somewhere far from a store without a tampon.

So Liz Berkley who is seemingly living on the edge of danger is pretty much giving you all a fuck you because she’s in her 40s and the only thing she has to worry about is the continued changes her body undergoes as she gets further and further from her Striptease body and closer and closer to a dumpy assed, saggy titted old lady.

Posted in:Ass|Liz Berkley|White Pants