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Archive for the Lost Vegas Category




Lost Vegas by IMperial Pictures of the Day


The best photographer in the game, doing the best stylized pictures that actually speak to my fucking soul, is Jonathan Leder.

He’s been at it long before instagram, he used to run a magazine that created celebrities like Ashley Smith…I know she’s not a celebrity…but because of him she looked good enough to eventually get into Sports Illustrated….I am sure that’s the last person he wants to talk about bringing up from TEXAS before losing her to TRUMP models….because there have been so many better shoots, with better people…and they all are exactly what I want out of a shoot.

He’s consistently produced amazing photoshoots – that actually feel more authentic, even if semi staged, than any of the shit being put out on instagram by all the poser, losers, who claim to be artists, with the thirsty fame seeking hookers looking for followers.

As far as I’m concerned, this is the real fucking deal…and every one of these photos makes me feel like I am on a fun adventure that I wasn’t invited on because no one like the fat guy masturbating in the corner…

These are from his new book “LOST VEGAS” – ORDER NOW

It’s pretty fucking hot…


Posted in:Lost Vegas