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Archive for the Madison Reed Category




Madison Reed’s Slutty Selfies of the Day

These are apparently pics of Madison Reed….

Madison Reed is apparently Victoria Justice’s sister, both are pretty hot, neither are really that famous, I mean her sister is the more famous one, this one is the latch on younger sister..and she’s young and hot and taking selfies…that are pretty racy considering her sister was this huge TV star who carried a Nickelodeon show….I guess it doesn’t mean she’s any different than any other girl…they all love slutty pics…

People are saying this is a pic of her pussy , which is fucking gnarly…because I don’t think pussies are supposed to have canker sores….I mean…if this type of thing was to happen to your pussy…it probably means herpes and the last thing you’d want is to take a pic to send to your friend or doctor and ask if it was normal to have two round sores on your cunt…and if you do take that pic…aim for it to be a non period day – because….the tampon string…doesn’t really ad to this – but it does fucking throw me off more than most pussy pics…I didn’t want to post this…but the curdling of my stomach looking at it was the only thing I could do with it…..I was that disturbed….now keep in mind…I’ve seen some gross pussy…and this is young girl pussy…not meant to be gross…hollywood…right….

Here are those selfies…

Posted in:Madison Reed




Madison Reed in a One Piece of the Day


Madison Reed is a tween pushing 20 who always pops up on the creepy celebrity slut fetish websites….and since I have no idea what the fuck is going on and since all these girls sort of blend into each other…I have never really figured out who Madison Reed was…

Google says MADISON REED PROFESSIONAL GRADE HAIR COLORING ….probably her corporate sponsor..

But then I dug deeper, because this is what investigative journalism is, this is what I am meant to spend my time doing, and it turns out…

She’s half sisters with another tween in her 20s named Victoria Justice, who from what I gather, is the show that Ariana Grande got her stars, because dudes wanting to fuck young girls is what makes the world go round.

She posted this bathing suit pic and I dig it.

Posted in:Madison Reed|SFW




Madison Reed Does the Bridge of the Day


You know you don’t need to know who a bitch is to appreciate her social media artistic erotica, you can tell because it is black and white, where she half nakedly does a bridge, pussy first…because she can and you care enough to stare…

Her name is Madison Reed, not that it matters.

Posted in:Madison Reed|SFW




Madison Reed Doing a Handstand of the Day


Who is Madison Reed…..according to wikipedia, Madison Reed was an American cabaret and ragtime performer who worked with Eubie Blake among others….according to google it’s a hair product company…according to social media…some whore who knows how to work social media to establish a fan base like all the other whores…because bikini handstands are slutty enough but not too slutty because it’s just a girl having fun, so much fun she wants to show her fans – that we can assume are a bunch of pervert dudes into girls playing off their half nakedness as innocent and cute…right…..

What I am trying to say is that this is all so amazing. What a time to live…

Posted in:Madison Reed|SFW




Madison Reed in a Bikini of the DAy



I don’t know who Madison Reed is…

But thanks to google apparently she’s PROFESSIONAL GRADE HAIR COLORING

Or maybe she’s Ashley Madison’s sister…

But most likely some stage name for a porn chick…who fucking knows..she’s in a bikini…and looks like a new generation vine star, which is unfortunately, the new generation celebrity, since no one watches TV or cares about some producer or exec’s stamp of approval…it’s the internet DIY generation you know…

Posted in:Madison Reed|SFW




Madison Reed’s Booty Sniff of the Day


Who is Madison Reed…..according to wikipedia, Madison Reed was an American cabaret and ragtime performer who worked with Eubie Blake among others….

This is Eubie Blake….


Seems about right….

She should probably update that…but she’s too busy getting her ass sniffed by art, in what we could assume is a young hooker, trying to be cute and funny about her craft, knowing very well, she’d like the execs at Disney…sniff her ass….

What I am saying is this “joke”…is more of a “planting the seed, to give the right person the right idea, to help launch her career”…since as of today – the only Madison Reed is an American cabaret and ragtime performer who worked with Eubie Blake among others….

Posted in:Madison Reed|SFW