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Marissa Kité Lens Flare for Kesler Tran of the Day


Kesler Tran is a pretty well known or established LA photographer…who shoots every single model, instagram model and sugar baby he comes across and generally makes them look great…using aggressive filters and in this case serious LENS FLARES to give a solid feeling of “art”…or “high concept”…almost like it was shot on FILM only not at all..when in reality there is no such thing as art, it is just a good excuse to get girls to shoot with him….naked!!!

The reality is, the pics are good, the babe is a babe, the nakedness isn’t vulgar, yet still naked enough, and in an oversaturated market, where all pictures look the same, this is a bit different.

I am so torn with this internet model thing, because I come from an era where old out of touch execs choose who should matter, who gets seen, who gets paid and self promotion meant sucking up to them, often times literally, instead of the general public deciding, when in reality I should be all about this trend, because it allows me to decide which girls I consider fame whores, or talent, worthy of success as a model, and which girls I want to promote and work with because if you’re decent looking you should want to be a model, it’s easy work and leads to the good life surrounded by successful people…in amazing places…

So I make fun of it, I tease the girls participating in it, but I actually like the DIY approach and hustle, especially with nudity and this Marissa Kité is magical…a dream girl, a goddess who revolutionizes the model industry, a breath of fresh air, and angel, perfection possibly even too hot, maybe they need to throw mud on her or something, to make her relatable, otherwise, she’s barely human in her level of amazing, and I’m not just saying that because she’s been a STEP GIRL …or maybe I am …

Posted in:Marissa Kité