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Archive for the Mikaela Spielberg Category




Mikaela Spielberg’s Porn is Bad of the Day

Obviously we’ve all heard the story of the attention seeking adopted Mikaela Spielberg drawing attention to herself because of how high profile her dad is by claiming to be a sex worker.

People from all angles are saying that it’s due to the PEDOWOOD / The Hollywood Pedophile ring that adopts kids for sexual purposes in exchange for the good life.

I know Hollywood is fucked up and I’ve heard a bunch of stories about this “powerful” people who can use their celebrity charm to get out of basically anything money can pay to get out of, but that’s not my immediate thought.

I’m not on the Spielberg makes kid movies about kids who have very laid back parents going on adventures. I don’t ask why Corey Feldman was friends with the bank teller in Gremlins…I just pretend that darkness doesn’t exist….until I am forced to see this darkness that I actually did not actively seek out.

I remember when all the sex tapes happened over the years, from Paris to Tila Tequila, I was on the front line, but I’m old now, if you want to find it you can find it on reddit, or wherever, so I just forgot it happened…and moved on with my very slow moving life….I figured I’d eventually see them, which is what’s happening here…and you’ve probably already seen them…but I can’t help by post them…it’s a habit….never too late to the gross titty party.

If she was hot, maybe I’d be more keen..and I knew that doing what I do, I’d stumble upon it – shout out Garrett.

Point being…I knew it was going to be bad, it is bad, because we live in a world of amateur porn, girls running their own porn sites and snapchats that men pay to subscribe to.

It’s almost “you’re only cool if you have an fan site”….trend….while in my era it was “if you wear gap pants you’re in”….

So great progress for people and perverts and exhibitionists…but for every hot girl doing it, there’s at least 100 delusional gross girls, cuz dudes praise them and tell them how hot they are, when clearly they aren’t….but I guess Incel’s be horny and any girl naked excites them.

That said, check out the titties on this thing…I wonder if she’s been written out of the will yet? Or was she ever in it. Based on her apartment, I’m going with “trust fund is for our white kids”….

Posted in:Mikaela Spielberg