I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Monica Wasp Category




Monica Wasp Naked with her Walkman of the Day

Her name is Monica Wasp and I bet you’d all like to get stung by her…so long as it’s not by her dick…since you can never be too sure with that Hefner magazine and their new strategy to be inclusive, diverse, hip and feminist…which is really what they always were…paying randoms 50k to get naked for the magazine…before all the feminists decided that doing it for free was more empowering. Idiots.

I think it’s funny that all a shoot needs these days to be high concept or exciting to the kids is the inclusion of a prop like a walkman. So vintage, so retro, so cool….to anyone who wasn’t born in the 70s…the pre CD generation…who used to walk around with these fucking things on….before we decided radioactive tracking devices was more our thing….where’s the fun in an analog device….there’s no cancer risk and thus boring. It is the protected sex of personal music devices….

That said…I don’t know who Monica Wasp is…but I know her tits and that may be all I need to know…

Posted in:Monica Wasp