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Archive for the Morgan Saylor Category




Morgan Saylor Sucking Fake Cock in White Girl of the Day


Morgan Saylor is some 21 year old from Chicago, where her mom was a retail employee, while her dad did construction for Starbucks, before they sold her off to the fashion industry in 2006, when she was 11, to be in the Sopranos..something that I guess led to this…

White Girl: “Summer, New York City. A college girl falls hard for a guy she just met. After a night of partying goes wrong, she goes to wild extremes to get him back.”

A movie, that I guess is finally following what I’ve always said movies should follow, and that’s real fucking sex. If there was real sex in mainstream movies, not fake bullshit movie sex, the world would be a better place, and ghetto white trash porn wouldn’t be as big and powerful and evil as it is…it’s like these actors are all whores anyway, and they are getting paid hard for it…but instead of writing real sex in mainstream movies script, that requires work and effort, even though I know my script would be the best…I just waited for the world to get more voyeuristic, porn to get more mainstream, and filmmakers to get more real and raw to try to get eyeballs from instagram..

I doubt this is a real cock in Morgan Saylor’s mouth, but it wouldn’t matter if it actually was…becuase it should be…we want it to be…it better be…and give her an Oscar nomination to tell her it’s ok to do movies like thist…so the world and industry continues on this direction…seriously…it’s a good thing…


Posted in:Morgan Saylor