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Nicky Hilton in Another Bikini in Maui of the Day

So here is another set of pictures of Nicky Hilton on her Christmas vacation in Hawaii, wearing a bikini. I guess the family has gone there to deal with the pain of the possible loss of inheritance from their grandpa.

According to TMZ, Barron Hilton announced Wednesday that he would be giving 97 percent of his $2.3 billion fortune to charity, specifically to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, putting Nicky and her siblings’ reported $30 million windfall in some doubt.

Now I was never very good at math, but if dude’s got 2.3 billion dollars and is leaving 3% of it to his family, that’s about 69 million dollars I am not 100 percent sure though, because my calculator doesn’t deal in millions, it’s more of a dollar and cents piece of shit like my life. The reality is that these girls already make money, already have money and are already living pretty fucking large. The general public would love to run into 500,000 dollars and dreams of the million are pretty far fetched, but at least it will cover the rent on our shitty apartments and afford a couple of cocktails….but maybe not the kind of cock the Hilton’s are lookin’ for.

So it’s nice to see these already rich pieces of shit sweat a little. The fact that they are sad about it doesn’t surprise me because of their disgusting greedy way of life, but if push comes to shove and Paris or Nicky ever need to make a little more money, they can always turn back to the already proven sex tape formula, not that anyone would actually buy it this time around, but it’s always nice to see a girl put herself out there to make a little money to get by.

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