I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Myrtille Revemont Category




Myrtille Revemont Titties of the Day

Myrtille Revemont is a hot model who is surprisingly an actual model, because in this world of everyone with an iphone or really any camera and a social media account is a model, it’s rare…..

That is not to say that this Myrtille Revemont is any different than the attention seeking girls of her era who are out there self promoting with slutty content to get seen. I mean she is in these nudes…

It is just to say that I’ve been dooped by the google search into thinking she’s a legit model, and maybe that’s a sign of my eagerness to get rid of these DO-IT-YOURSELFERS, I’m more into buying into something that a team of peopl have established or determined, than what one person has decided for themselves…

Meaning, if I was to buy a car, it would be from a car company, not from some dude who made a car in his basement and decided it was a car. Same goes for a bike, shoes, pretty much anything. I find it delusinal, even crazy when I see people call themselves the things they have decided they are, and not just guys who decided they are girls, but health and wellness gurus, or models, or whatever. I am old school and I like infrastructure and enterprise to create these things. I like casting calls, and cultivating a strategy, and sticking to that strategy with your team…it just seems more planned and thought out…so respect and enjoy actual models…over girls posing like assholes for themselves..

But both are good, cuz all these in front of camera bitches get nude.

Posted in:Myrtille Revemont




Myrtille Revemont Covered in Colorful Shit While Naked of the Day

So as it turns out….Myrtille Revemont is an “actual” model, whatever that means in this era of everyone being a model – thanks to the internet making people think they are beautiful and amazing and worthy of being on film….when back in the day women were scared of cameras and hated how they look, now they are all loving it, embracing it, and even if they look like shit, off-setting it by getting face injections….


Myrtille Revemont the “actual Model”…is fully naked in this photoshoot, that I had to post, not because I find it hot, but because I find it fucking stupid…

The level of creativity, or the lack of creativity when it comes to nude shoots annoys me.

It’s like “let’s paint you, like some ghetto trash from 12 years ago at some tattoo convention, but instead of doing it like a leopard or kitty or other Cosplay shit, will just do abstract”…..

It’s the dumbest way to get a girl naked, the dumbest way to look at a girl naked, and if anything it’s fucking LAZY creative direction.

Step it up Myrtille Revemont. Whoever the fuck you are.

Posted in:Myrtille Revemont