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Archive for the Natalia Daragan Category




Natalia Daragan Weird Nude Shoot of the Day

Natalia Daragan nipples and fishnets

Natalia Daragan is some Russian model and actress – and she looks amazing like so many Russian girls…but maybe I only see the top tier Russian girls who have made it to America as high end escorts – or models – that are high end escorts….

The kind of Russians rich enough guys really seem to like and appreciate…because the girls know they have to behave and perform to get that Green Card, as their culture still has American Dreams…and try to escape that Russian life…

But I am all about when the mail order goes wrong and they sign up to something they didn’t expect, where they end up being imported to small town America…you know the more bootleg, very Russian, but still hot girls with a dream…but who only have the option of one fat lonely weird dude who they thought was richer, living a more glamourous life…If you visit Florida…you can see them at the local Applebees hating their life…as they plot their escape….all while eating their good old American family chain restaurant food..thinking “this isn’t what I saw on instagram”…but at least he bought me the ugliest Louis Vuitton purse ever – at the local TJ Maxx…

Not to say Natalia Daragan is one of those girls, but the Russian plight is always the same, and this one just seems to be doing it right with an amazing as fuck naked / half naked / I’ve seen her tits…body..

I wonder if these pics are for her mail order bride profile!?!!?

Posted in:Natalia Daragan