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Archive for the Natalia Udovenko Category




Natalia Udovenko Naked on the Beach With the Vagina Out of the Day

Natalia Udovenko….is in some META Playboy shoot…where she’s reading a PLAYBOY whilst naked, lip out….like Playboy used to be before the son took over and confusingly decided to make the magazine non nude…even though it generated billions of dollars in revenues starting back in the 1950s as a nude magazine…a totally misguided move that we can assume happened when HEF was having some demential episode…..”You know all these years, this empire I built off naked chicks, let’s reinvent ourselves as some bullshit men’s magazine, in an era where NUDITY IS FUCKING everywhere, let’s be different and CLOTHE THE BITCHES”….insane really…but I guess better than turning it into a gay porn site cuz market research showed that gays love buying porn cuz they don’t have kids to spend their money on….

I know they backtracked and made the move back to nudity, case in point with these pics, but how fucking dumb was that whole thing…right….so fucking dumb that’s how dumb….

I guess when looking at this shoot of Natalia Udovenko…who I know nothing about…you care very little about what I have to say, so I’ll just move along now…

Posted in:Natalia Udovenko