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Archive for the Nicole Gregorczuk Category




Nicole Gregorczuk Silly Nude Shoot of the Day

Nicole Gregorczuk is some model, she’s tall and skinny and has representation, which may not be saying much as agencies try to lock in as many models as they can, in case they are the next to go viral, they want to be on the front lines and it costs nothing to have them locked in….

She’s got 50k followers on social media, so despite being better than many of the sluts, since she has representation….she’s got some work to do on going viral..

Especially since she’s willing to get naked for this ridiculousness, maybe she’d be into getting naked for REAL shit….that people care to see.

Maybe, she felt this was art, because she’s used as the canvas…her naked body that vessel for the artist to get his art across…but the homeless lady who does art in the bus shelter with her feces and period has more talent..

This here…is just silly….lame even…bad….running out of ideas.

Posted in:Nicole Gregorczuk