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Archive for the Nicole Trunfio Category




Nicole Trunfio is Gary Clark Jr’s Hot Model Wife and Baby Momma of the Day

We love trashy Australian chicks. All drunk and addicted to the party as they travel around the resort towns of the world having a great time. Their Rumspinger is going to Bali, Europe, America, Canada Ski Towns to get drunk, pull their tits out and fuck the herpes scabs off until the herpes grow on the herpes….

Australians and their trashy accents are fun and a lot of them are also hot from living the beac life, at least in their 20s before the hole in the OZONE LAYER dries them out like a sundried tomato, and ages them out fucking hard….and before they end up toothless, fat and living in a caravan remembering the gold days of rocking out…

Nicole Trunfio was at one time a hot Australian model who gave the boners…

For a while she did nude modeling and was hot with the tits out.

Then she landed Gary Clark Jr, an Austin Texas Musician who happened to be black because she’s progressive…and because they don’t have black people in Australia so it was exciting to her.

They had a family of mixed kids which upsets the racists because of the browning of America…

They live on a ranch in Texas….

She runs a maternity clothing line that has retail stores because she’s rich as shit..

She has surprisingly maintained her hotness despite being Australian….

Here are some throwback tits…tits that landed rock and roll stars….

Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio Zooms In On Her Tits of the Day

She was a hot Australian model, so you know she was a slut, because culturally, the Australians are sluts.

She was smart enough to realize that winning a reality about becoming a model only had a short shelf life, so she packed her bags, ended up in the USA, worked for tons of brands and then bedded a rich Texan music man named Gary Clark Jr.

They have babies, have black babies, scandalous if you don’t factor in that her big vagina from being 5 foot 10 model requires a certain size penis that the whites in her circle just don’t provide.

She has a brand of maternity clothing so that she doesn’t need to be a whorish model anymore, she’s funded and can instead focus on helping pregnant chicks dress like model whores.

She was at some event and she zoomed in on her tits, we like tits.

Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio is a Mom in a Hot Shoot by Harper Smith of the Day


A Texas based leather brand called “UNDERSTATED LEATHER” just released this campaign they shot with Australian Tits Nicole Trunfio by a great photographer named , not that that’s saying much…with cellphone technology…and instagram…every motherfucker is a good photographer…but I still like these pics…and not just because of Nicole Trunfio tits…but because I guess I like Texas…

I’ve made fun of Nicole Trunfio for a long time, despite having great tits, because she was the Emrata before Emrata existed….just tits everywhere, hanging with more famous models, at all the right events, and all it really got her was a hosting job on Australian TV, where she’s from…it’s like her whole American tour to get famous, really only got her work back home when she got back home…I mean that and a pregnancy with some black musician…a baby she’s had already….but still looks like this…with great tits…because she’s just that amazing…and I’m not just saying that because she never quite made it and I like when girls don’t quite make it…when they want nothing more than to make it…even if they get a rich husband out of it…they still feel incomplete in their souls…and that makes me happy…or maybe I just like that she’s still showing her tits.

Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio Breast Feeds for ELLE of the Day


Nicole Trunfio is some Australian model who came to America and never really made it, but she did make someone else cum…deep inside her hard enough for it to make her a baby, that I guess she’s gone back home to Australia to use to exploit to get more attnetion for herself in the best possible way…

From Titty model who tried real hard to make it to mom…showing her titties to make it…legendary….

All this to say, Australian girls are amazing…including but not limited to this magic…

Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio’s in a Bikini of the Day

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Nicole Trunfio was the Emily Ratajkowski who got away….basically she was a few months, maybe even a year too early to go viral…but she was actually a hot Australian model, who was just town to get topless in shoots, and who would have destroyed that Blurred Lines video harder than the girl who did, and would have gone just as viral, only more sustainable, since she’s actually a model…the kind who was willing to show her tits…

Well, instead of getting famous as fuck in America, she got famous as fuck back home in Australia…she also got pregnant as fuck and had a baby 2 months ago, only to bounce back looking like this…because that’s how actual fucking babes do it…not like your wife or all the bitches whining at Starbucks who keep fucking eating because they are so tired from being a mom….but really have just given the fuck up…

Baby or not….Nicole Trunfio is great…and not just her big milk filled tits…all of her…and all she represents…it shoulda been her…


Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Pregnant and Naked Nicole Trunfio for Fashion of the Day

Her name is Nicole Trunfio is kind of amazing.

She’s some Australian trash, because everyone from Australia is trash, who moved to America to model and who never really made much more than a few topless photoshoots…taht were great because her tits are great…

She was a Sports Illustrated of Victoria’s Secret model who never was….but she positioned herself to get noticed enough to get work back home…

And now she’s knocked up with an American Black baby…with some rockstar…and the whole thing is tolerable because she still poses naked…even when ready to drop…a look I only get down with if I just meet the girl and know it is not mine, because I know if I fuck her, there’s little risk of AIDS, or another pregnancy…which works for me..

Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio for Treats of the Day

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Nicole Trunfio, titty model, who is actually kind of amazing, is back…this time for TREATS, because these immigrant models always come to America, book something kind of viral, that makes the people at home think they are up to big things, only to get work back at home….like being a host on Next Top Model Australia…even though she’s only done low level catalog work and is not a top model…

She has attached herself to SI model Jessica Gomes, who is a top model….you know doing that whole “we’re both from Australia, let’s be BFFs in America, because no one understands our Accents”….shit in efforts to get herself in on the shoots, with the right people, but for some reason, after 4 years of trying, she still hasn’t pulled it off…

Maybe what she’s missing is a high profile athlete boyfriend, because she’s dating some obscure musician….who is black…racists gonna race…

I guess while she strategizes she makes time for low level swimsuit campaigns…you know to pay her rent and practice for the big day when SI makes that call….she’s back to her titty modeling – this time in TREATS…

I used to laugh at her when she posted her Rolex and pics with Victoria’s Secret models…doing all she can to be the next Kate Upton….but really….no matter how hard she tries…or how big she gets…she’ll always just be another titty model….with awesome tits to me….and that is why I approve of Nicole Trunfio….She’s amazing.

Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio For New York Fashion Week of the Day

Nicole Trunfio is some Australian titty model who kind of made it in the industry, but didn’t really make it in the America, but had great tits she showed off pretty often, at least enough for me to notice her, and the people at Australia Top Model, getting her the one legit job in her career.

I’ve been following her from afar because I am creepy, or at least the internet is creepy and I have seen that she’s dating a black musician with what I assume is a huge penis that she follows around like a groupie so that he doesn’t cheat on her, at least that’s what I assume overbearing girls do when they tour with their man everywhere they go…you know shifting focus from not booking campaigns in America to guarding the tour bus so groupies don’t sneak on…

Well, she’s in New York for fashion week, and the wind blew up her skirt flashing her ass and I’m totall down with that…too bad she’s not bending over a little more, I would have preferred to see a bit more of her trashy Australian soul….


Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio’s Bikini of the Day

Nicole Trunfio is some Australian TITTY MODEL who lives or lived in the States where she tried to get famous enough to be in Victoria’s Secret or some shit, but who instead got Famous back home, where she booked a TV hosting gig, because America doesn’t need Australia, it has too many immigrants from other places to steal the Jobs from their own, to afford another…

So in ways, Nicole Trunfio has taken her tits and really made something of herself, in other ways she’s a complete failure who couldn’t cut it in Hollywood, but still has all the time in the world, at least before turning 30 to make it happen, now with Australian TV experience to get her a gig…and I guess all that matters is that she’s in a bikini…and that her boyfriend is black..yes white fans…black penis has desecrated this, but I am sure based on her look and eagerness to win at life, a lot worse has been up in her…


Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Nicole Trunfio in her Bikini of the Day

Nicole Trunfio is a beautiful breasted Australian model who I don’t think ever really hit too big here, but is probably someone back home in Australia…

But I do know she’s done a lot of topless for fashion work, like she was Emrata before Emrata, that didn’t work out as well as Emrata even though she’s hotter than Emrata but now too old to be Emrata…

And I think her bikini pics are a perfect excuse to revisit them HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE


Posted in:Nicole Trunfio