We love trashy Australian chicks. All drunk and addicted to the party as they travel around the resort towns of the world having a great time. Their Rumspinger is going to Bali, Europe, America, Canada Ski Towns to get drunk, pull their tits out and fuck the herpes scabs off until the herpes grow on the herpes….
Australians and their trashy accents are fun and a lot of them are also hot from living the beac life, at least in their 20s before the hole in the OZONE LAYER dries them out like a sundried tomato, and ages them out fucking hard….and before they end up toothless, fat and living in a caravan remembering the gold days of rocking out…
Nicole Trunfio was at one time a hot Australian model who gave the boners…
For a while she did nude modeling and was hot with the tits out.
Then she landed Gary Clark Jr, an Austin Texas Musician who happened to be black because she’s progressive…and because they don’t have black people in Australia so it was exciting to her.
They had a family of mixed kids which upsets the racists because of the browning of America…
They live on a ranch in Texas….
She runs a maternity clothing line that has retail stores because she’s rich as shit..
She has surprisingly maintained her hotness despite being Australian….
Here are some throwback tits…tits that landed rock and roll stars….
Posted in:Nicole Trunfio