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Archive for the NURSES Category




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

As people are being peer pressured or shamed into getting vaccines from influencers, celebrities, ads on TV, the government, family and friends who have passionately subscribed to the narrative that we should all be mass vaccine experiments….you may or may not be developing more of a soft spot for the medical workers who before the propaganda around vaccines….were the subject of propaganda themselves…which I guess worked out nicely for a lot of them…because they got to go to the Super Bowl, NYE Ball Drop, Grammy’s, Golden Globes which were a thing before being cancelled….parades were had, songs were written…what a good feeling to be our our FRONT LINE WORKERS…at war with a virus…and now you can support your troops by being guilted into supporting your troops by signing up to their subscription sites they sell nudes on….works for me.

It is possible they are using this to decompress from their high stress front line worker lives….girls get off getting you off on public forums….it’s interactive masturbation….and some of these naughty nurses may not even have subscription sites and just do it for the fun…and those ones are the true heroes…while the ones milking the situation to monetize on the situation in hopes of making enough to never have to work in healthcare again are the less heroic….

Getting paid out by those into medical erotica now that health and viruses rule us…while no one is actually out there getting healthy you know with organic foods and exercise…which means healthcare workers are the most important kind of nude out there….

So send them money so that they can tap out of being health care workers and focus on going back to normal life where they don’t have to work so hard in the line of virus….

Not to mention, while mentioning, but I like to say not to mention while mentioning, that a lot of these healthcare workers probably aren’t even nurses on the frontlines at all, but rather dental hygienists not affected by the COVID rush and panic they all claim to be burnt out from…but instead are just in “MEDICAL WORKER FACE”….like Black Face…mocking Medical Workers with scrubs to get higher interaction on their posts…

I do find the whole getting naked on the job offensive, especially one that is supposed to be serious, I know getting naked at an office would probably be seen as offensive too, but only if you did it in your office for your intern or junior executive fresh out of college with the big tits….

You gotta remember that these dudes are during a pandemic where people are dying…lives are being rattled….but they are just doing their part to get their vaginas covered in airborne illness…you know it adds flavor and risk and risk is exciting because they probably feel like they’ve done their part in the pandemic to help…..and this is a different kind of help.

All this to say, if you’re a COVID believer – scared of the virus and each other, wearing masks and surgical gloves outside even when the CDC says not to, even when you’re vaccinated, because it’s your costume or badge of honor to tell your peers you are scared of living…..even if you’ve already had COVID….then these girls are for you…..

If you’re a covid denier and think it doesn’t actually exist and it’s all just population control lies brought to you by the evil overlords controlling the population from the Governmental level and it won’t end well, then these nudes are for you…you can’t control the outcome, so you might as well stare at nudes.

If you are a COVID believer, but a skeptic who thinks lockdowns are a scam, quarantining the healthy a scam, PCR testing the healthy a scam, asymptomatic cases a scam, the virus from a lab fucking with viruses, these girls are for you…cuz they are getting naked in their scrubs for you…which for the record is better than being in scrubs…or any other clothing…even if it’s not very professional and potentially a biohazard….

I think the moral of this story, if we were a sitcom, would be “nudes” unite us all….now look at them.


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I’ve seen a few stories about how nurses are planning on leaving the industry and profession due to COVID stresses which is possibly designed to make you scared that the medical system will collapse with no more nurses…but that makes me think there will be a shit ton more nude nurses on the internet trying to get subscribers to their only fans…because the nurse as a fetish is at its all time high thanks to all the media attention and guilt put on the public regarding the whole nurse thing…which is the perfect timing for a nurse to do her own kind of emotionally triggering “GoFundMe”…without begging for money to help with their bills…but instead selling nudes and asking for tits with their subscribers because nurses are the sex workers of the healthcare system…they are just more obvious about it during this pandemic when they know they can’t get fired for taking nudes on the job…which is gross to me..there’s all kinds of viruses in hospital…we don’t need those pussies covered in antibiotic resistant anything….even if we’re just here looking at pics of them….

I guess the good news with all these VACCINE pushers is that when all is said and done, they’ll be leaving their uteruses wherever they fall out…allowing for unprotected creampie sex to the highest bidder…so long as you don’t mind anti-biotic resistant viruses from the hospital floor on your dick….maybe it’s just better to look at the pics…


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Here’s some healthcare heroes who I don’t think are actual heroes…and either does the healthcare industry because they aren’t paying these people anything more than they got paid before COVID, they are just doing their job, but now with social pressure to live up to a certain standard that the media has created for them, even when they are desk dwellers who happen to wear scrubs because they work the front desk at a dentist’s office….since SCRUBS are what define my slutty nurses posts but not all who wear scrubs are actual nurses…

ANYWAY…I saw some article saying that you shouldn’t call Healthcare workers heroes no matter how many events Hollywood creates for them…it’s causing them mental strain when they feel like they can’t commit to that title…or because they aren’t getting paid like heroes, some are getting pay cuts, I don’t know, I only read headlines…I don’t need the propaganda as to why it is damaging to call them heroes and through this pandemic I’ve never felt that they were heroes…if that’s the job you train for and do, that’s your fucking job and if you quit because you don’t like pandemics, then you’re a fucking pussy who was milking off the system thinking nursing would be an easy scam to get a solid pension….I’m onto you…

There are other nurses who are using the HERO title to subsidize their earnings as nurses by selling nudes to loser dudes just trying to do their part in supporting them because the parades, Super Bowl and other bullshit wasn’t enough…

So these are some preview pics of those heroes being heroes by not fearing bringing bacteria, fungus and other airborne illness home on their pussies…


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I like to make fun of medical workers because everyone is so hyped up on them, calling them front line heroes, which I find disrespectful to actual heroes, especially when the medical workers cover a wide range of duties, not all on the COVID front lines….but rather working in medical spas for women getting their faces jacked up….but since they wear scrubs they get that loophole to monetize off the pandemic like they are Bezos..you know triple their wealth…by putting on their scrubs and pretending they are on front lines since they are medical workers all in efforts to get your hard earned money for their nudes…PREY on emotions…because all these white dudes out here who are still BRO losers at their core pretending to be woke, sensitive and compassionate for fear of being fired from their jobs or not getting laid thanks to having what is seen as an ignorant view of the world….you know pretending to care about gender and race issues….when really they just want to get their dicks wet….throwing money at these medical nudes to feel like they are doing their part…like it is charity…probably a lucrative hustle..

It must be a lucrative hustle, cuz more and more nurses get naked each week, oftentimes at their place of work, in what would have got them fired, but now they are untouchable..

Now I am grossed out by medical workers and the viruses they are surrounded by, and always have been, COVID’s just another one on the list of many, that probably shouldn’t have the open vagina exposed to…but I guess they’re so “burnt out” that this is their release…or they are just opportunists…who knows..

I do know that I saw a bunch of nurses protesting the lockdown in the UK, calling COViD lockdowns a scam…which was nice to see…but that you probably won’t see on CNN….so I don’t hate Medical Workers, we need them and I sure as hell don’t hate them getting nude, I like seeing all women nude…I just find it gross.


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Maybe I’m an asshole…or maybe I have a distrust or dislike for the medical industry…but I never subscribed to the COVID nurses as Frontline workers, I thought that was a lot of hype around the virus…and around people just doing their job….because I did subscribe to the fact that nurses or doctors are paid what they are paid to be there in times of crisis as much as in times of goodtimes…but I’d assume most shifts would be those of crisis since Hospitals by definition is where people go in crisis…whether to die, from accidents, disease, etc….

So with every Support the Nurses shit, I’d be like “THAT IS THEIR JOB BY DEFINITION WHAT THE FUCK”…..it’d be like doing a parade for accountants around tax time, or giving the losing team a gold medal because they showed up…like fuck off with this over-hyping….if anything it’s just allowed them to monetize their nudes cuz everyone is guilty about not being a frontline worker while knowing they need them to hook them up to vents or to jab them with the vaccine…it’s all so crazy….but a great way to tap into the emotions of people and get them paying tips on OnlyFans that could probably amount to a year’s salary as a nurse in a month….but if they quit nursing to be sex porn internet stars…they’ll lose that hook…so if anything they are just working as nurses to take the slutty selfie to bait people into paying them….and the whole thing is so un-hygienic…I mean good way to give your PUSSY some fucking antibiotic resistant infection that will bleach their panties…or worse…burn holes in them.

Point being…slutty nurses are alright…but I know their hustle…and that’s alright too….but they don’t need parades for doing their job…they get paid for that!


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

You don’t hear as much hype around medical workers anymore, at least I don’t, but I also avoid the cesspool that is Social Media and really “the news” because it’s just a fucking downer realizing how fucking stupid people are….not that I don’t see that shit when I leave the house…I mean people are brain washed robots…so it makes sense that they all do what they are told including hating on the people they think are going against the grain when all they want is things to go back to normal….which I guess in a lot of places they are…thanks to reduced testing or whatever the fuck….

The new storyline is variants and how young people are now at risk, to try to scare people out of thinking they are invincible and into getting some vaccine that was rushed and that isn’t done human trials for 2 more year…acting like it’s the responsible thing to do for society…when everyone is out for themselves, lack any empathy or support of anything but themselves, in this self involved, garbage fucking world of robots who do what they are told…and if they don’t…hire Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds and Mariah Carey for 1,000,000 dollars to fake getting the vaccine…so other people get it…

So the Medical Workers aren’t getting the parades they did at the beginning of the pandemic, being the only ones invited to Super Bowl, NYE events in NYC, the Grammys….or the Golden Globes…as the entertainment industry panders to the pandemic….you should all be skeptical of…

But the Medical Workers are getting naked on the internet when swamped at the hospitals that they claim are over capacity and imploding….just not enough for their to be bodies piled up on the streets, which is what you’d probably want to see after a year of lockdowns over a terrible virus…or at least that you’d EXPECT to see because you may not WANT people dead…even if people are horrible narcissistic self involved greedy and disgusting robots…..you know HUMANS ARE THE VIRUS…

So at least they found time to get naked on the internet to push their only fans to cash in on all your guilt because you are an emotional idiot who is being manipulated because of your emotions making rational thought impossible…

The good news is that getting naked on the internet is more appealing to nurses than nursing…and that is funny….I guess we’re all sex workers…we just don’t know it…or we do by pretend we aren’t until it’s seen as something “cool”….and then all the followers follow the leader and I guess that’s the best DEVELOPMENT of being robots who do what they see or are told….because without the social acceptance..there would be SO many less nudes and that would be a real TRAGEDY….


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Whether you believe in COVID or not….the lockdown measures or not….the vaccine or not…we can all agree that the highlight of the pandemic has been these medical workers being marketed as frontline workers so that they realize they can monetize their nudes by taking nudes in their work clothes..at work..despite being in the midst of a pandemic that they claim is exhausting them, that they claim is killing their spirits, that is scaring them and their family as they go to work each day for their high enough paid job, thanks to their 2-3 year technical college training, not knowing if they’ll come home alive…or maybe knowing they’ll come home alive but there’s no marketability in that so instead tell the media what they want to hear about the struggles you feel…to rally the support of the people…so they feel guilty enough to subscribe to the only fans…

I am sure some of these nurses are only still nurses to get the shot they need to keep their Only Fans alive…as they know not being nurses will bite into their profits from preying on the niceness of perverts who think giving that 100 dollar tip to the naked nurse they jerk off to is the right thing to do as they risk their lives for him…

You see, most people subscribe to the nurses being the frontline workers, risking their lives….not many people think COVID is a scam that has a 99% survival rate…so they miss out on realizing that some people are TAKING advantage of COVID for their personal gain…but when it comes to getting naked, I’m all for that personal gain..

Now I prefer vintage nurse outfits to the new scrubs that look like they have every disease I don’t want smeared on them….but it’s still naughty nurses getting naked during COVID…so take it in as things get back to normal and no one has a nurse fetish anymore….while half these nurses buy their private jets with their Only Fans money….never to NURSE again….


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t know if people are still hyped on all the health care workers still, I mean I don’t hear people throwing parades for them anymore, but I guess the Grammys and the Superbowl was filled with Health Care workers, so the media is still trying to play that whole thing up, at least they were a month ago….

It’s definitely something that’s worked out nicely for the health care workers who double as sex care workers because they get nude on the job, to give people a taste of naked nurses, a weird fetish now that the nurse outfits are the classic skirts but instead scrubs covered in human excrement….

I know it’s probably a thankless job, most people are sick and angry while being poked and proded by these people, but if these survive they are probably pretty nice about it…..not to mention the perks of seducing doctors to get into that lifestyle is unmatched..but I don’t feel bad about them being the “frontlines of Covid”…whether I think COVID is a big deal or just marketing hype around a barely deadly virus or not….

So why not get naked to cater to dudes who buy into the COViD thing, who feel for the struggles of these nurses, who feel their granny’s life depends on the nurses, even if the nurses for the most part, are only there for a paycheck…or a doctor’s hand in marriage for that good life…

You can play off the guilt and make tens of thousands of dollars just posting medical themed nudes….play it off as a COVID stress release when we know it’s just a cash grab…

Girls get naked online, it’s accepted finally, so not they monetize it as a sideline business, even when they are supposed to be dealing with a Pandemic…NOT very professional but also the only way I’m really interested in seeing nurses….so keep up the hustle…opportunists aren’t necessarily a bad thing when it involves being naked.


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day


I talk shit on COVID because I have no sympathy for people going onto greener pastures, I figure life is a joke as it is, the system is set to work against us, and getting ahead is a struggle, so if anything death is that gift, so to fear a virus that can barely take you out, is to fear the inevitable and that’s just idiotic….

You can walk out of your house today and get run over, you may have cancer growing inside you, your heart may have a defect and you may end up dying when fucking some street whore in a back alley while your wife is grocery shopping….YOU can’t be scared to be alive, there’s always viruses and diseases and you have no control over it….the fittest people can go down in a helicopter and crackheads can die at 95….there’s no logic…so to sit hiding and scared of unsick people has been the biggest joke EVER…when did people get so fucking soft…

Not to mention, if you were to live, or if you were promised that new lease on life, what are you going to do with it….are you going to make a difference, save the world…or will you go back to your eating shit foods, with loved ones who will also die prematurely as it’s always premature even when you’re 100 and supposed to be dead…you’re like “if only I had one more day”….because I think people just do vapid and useless things with their time…they shop…they go to the movies…they go to parties…but it’s all meaningless so stop being a pussy hiding scared…get back to living cuz we’re all going to die eventually and what you do isn’t that important…

What these nurses do…is important though…not because a 3 year technical college degree makes them heroes to me, but because these ones are smart enough to utilize being a tool in the COVID narrative that will make dudes feel guilty enough to tip them heavy in their sex work, while not getting fired from their real work, cuz they need people on staff and because you can’t shame an employee for being a sex worker who sells nudes anymore…that’s WOMAN hate…and sexist…you patriarchal devil…

So these nurses know….”people are sold on us, we just need to get naked, and they’ll feel like giving us tons of money to support us as we fight the frontlines” that aren’t actual front lines…they have time to take fucking nudes on the job…but DON’T TELL THEM THAT…THEY’LL STOP TIPPING…and life is about the TIP…

Now, I don’t hate medical workers, I do think their work is important, but I prefer them naked and mooching off idiots with their nudes, cuz nudity is fun…


Posted in:NURSES




Medical Worker Monday of the Day


Nothing like celebrating the FRONT LINE like looking at them nude…

I mean unless you’re more into cheering them on by putting signs on your front door, or honking every time you drive by the hospital where they work….but I think these medical workers want you to support them by paying them for nudes….

It is the prime time to get paid to post nudes as a scrub wearing worker….because when else in their lifetime will they have guilt of those not on the frontlines to really solidify paying for nudes….unless they just do it for free, a thrill, to help us because they are medical workers and thus have empathy…I don’t know…I just know it happened and here it is…


Posted in:NURSES