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Timothee Chalamet’s Sister Pauline’s Braless Titty Dance of the Day

This is a year old, but who gives a fuck, I didn’t know the big sloppy tits existed until this past week, when I accidentally watched some of Woke as Fuck, Pandering to the Mainstream Idiots, trying to appeal to the new generation, while basically dicksucking every stereotype, and shouting out every female politicians in a pile of Mindy Kaling dog shit from too much Vindaloo called “Sex Lives of Lame Ass Boring College Girls”…..which featured barely any sex you’d want to watch despite being an HBO show, total fucking disappointment on all fronts, but wasn’t expecting much, since I know Mindy Kaling sucks and likely had terrible nerd sex in college……she’s like 50 and back in her day, there wasn’t tinder and porn luring cock her fat way. SHE IS A FUCKING SCAM!

It was basically some role reversal, where girls are boy crazy, objectify men based on their abs, like men used to do with girl tits when they were allowed to be men, not some estrogen filled bitch they became in this attack against men and women fucking.

We call it the inversion of truth, but the reality is that it is possible society and porn has conditioned the average mindless idiot woman to be like a greasy little sex obsessed perverted dude they hate so much…..they have no idea they’ve been programmed.

The ugly fat autistic white girl from the small town, so she’s a little racist in her endearing way gets the hot guy, but at least they kept it secret, because they know the audience isn’t THAT stupid, but the audience is clearly fucking stupid……..

It’s peppered with two dads, lesbians, gays, and every other stereotype that I’d consider divisive as fuck….but more importantly, lame as fuck to help push agendas and propagandize how women should behave………

It’s just a product of upper middle class nerds like Mindy Kaling getting a lot of success as EP on hit show the Office, fitting off some check marks after going through the college system as a keeners, bringing their lame ass voices to the right old rich producer people looking for a younger voice to use to reach the younger audience, since it is all about the dollars to these brainwashing propagandist monsters.

Anyway, a bunch of boy obsessed girls and one closeted lesbian live together in a dorm and talk about their lame ass sex in the most basic and simplistic way….dealing with being closeted, dealing with being sexual assaulted by other comedy nerddsd, dealing with sex with married coaches, and other not so funny bullshit……..

It wasn’t hot college girls being interesting, inspiring, or hot when getting their fuck on, although the black girl in the show is far hotter than this set of sloppy tits, small town girl, who is the “white” middle of the road racist that gets the hot guy, a character that probably doesn’t exist in the world, but for the sake of propaganda, lazy fucking propaganda she does.

Upon further research on the show, because I thought it was dumb, it tuns out she’s Timothee Chalemet’s not very hot sister, so you can figure out how she got the job as a college girl while being 30, but when you’re part of the satanic agenda pushing the narrative, that shit don’t matter.

And really, all we care about is the tits, and she’s got a few cuz she’s a fat woke, liberal, hipster nerd.

Posted in:Pauline Chalamet