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Archive for the Penis Category




Prince William’s Prince Penis of the Day

So the Prince was caught taking a pee and now you all know what his penis looks like. It’s one of those things you probably could have gone without seeing, but girls seem to find him a heart throb and that dick’s worth a whole long of money, that even you’d consider getting on all fours and letting the future king enter your throne. I don’t know Royal speak, I’m more of the court jester or toothless stable hand shoveling shit when not doing inappropriate things to the horses, but I do know a cock when I see one, even if that cock is more powerful than pretty much every other cock out there….not that the Royal family are all that powerful anymore, but this dude’s slated to be king and that’s a hell of a lot better title than regional sales manager you’re working up to at your call center…

On a side note, I love how he’s holding his cock with some contorted peace sign, or like he’s a dainty model holding a cigarette or some shit….I am more into the “no hands” style because it allows me to hold the stall walls around me so I don’t fall over because I have pretty shitty balance….

Either way, look at the pics, ya gay.

Posted in:Penis|Prince William




Serena Williams Apparently Has a Vagina of the Day

This is Serena Williams at the Australian tennis competition that’s going on right now. This is definitely some “Ladybug” shit where the high school coach threw a dude on the girl’s team to win the championship that’s gone on so long that they don’t need to use the disguise anymore because the public has just accepted her as strong woman and don’t wonder what style genitals she’s packing. It reminds me of the time I put on a dress, wig and make-up and sucked some dude’s dick in a park for some money, but I was just doin’ it to pay the bar tab , I was drunk and he was married, so it was totally not gay. What is gay is that you just got turned on by my story while lookin at Serena Williams pictures, explain that to your therapist you queer.

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