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Archive for the Pigs Category




I am – Hilary Duff Hangs With Pigs of the Day


Here are some pictures of Hilary Duff clubbing with her pig sister and her pig friend Kelly Osborne a couple days ago. Now Hilary Duff may not be all that hot, but she looks a hell of a lot better when up against this shitty competition,

Maybe it’s a strategy you should use to get laid, but the reality is that if you were lucky enough to find someone uglier than you, they’d have to be seriously disfigured, maybe a survivor from some kind of war accident or motorcycle accident without a helmet on, in which case the only place you’d really be able to wheel them out to go clubbing would be the lobby of the hospital you met them in and I hear that’s not the best place to get pussy.

Either way, I think Hilary Duff is totally worth a round and I can’t really blame her for hanging out with her sister and her sister’s ugly friend, they are family and despite how much you want to keep them locked away in the basement, you gotta suck it up, especially at Christmas because religious or not, it’s a pretty magical time of year. Cuddles.

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