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Archive for the Purse Category




Paris Hilton’s Meaty Purse on Her Actual Purse of the Day

The interesting thing about Paris Hilton is that she is a wallet fucker, but unlike most wallet fuckers who fuck a rich dude who will promise them the good life, she fucks her own wallet, because her pussy was directly tapped into her bank account. So whenever she let it out of her pants, millions of dollars made its way into her wallet.

Not that it is all that intersesting, she’s just a modern day whore, who slutted herself out for attention because her dad didn’t hug her enough because he was too busy hugging cocaine with his nose, and she probably didn’t do it for the money in the first place, it was just an added bonus, making this joke really fail, but we’ve come this far so here are some pictures of her with her meaty purse in her panties rubbin’ up her actual purse and these pictures because the two go hand in hand……and it all made me go against my Paris Hilton ban.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Paris Hilton|Purse