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Archive for the Rebecca Koltun Category




Rebecca Koltun is Amazing of the Day

I was sent the above TikTok this morning and I fucking loved it.

Her name is Rebecca , she’s 22 and is the hottest thing on TikTok…

She had a Spinal Cord Injury last year and clearly doesn’t seem to mind laughing at herself or at least using it as a troll, because I guess that’s the attitude you gotta have when that kind of shit happens.

It’s better than being a total victim cunt about it…I guess some people just handle things better than others…..

I’m sure it fucking sucks to have something so horrible happen to you. I’m sure it’s hell, I’m sure it’s depressing, but if you can’t rub it in some able bodied motherfucker’s face for the LOlZ..then what’s the fucking point…

You gotta always have a sense of humor. Always.

It looks like she’s trying to raise some money to help her in her healing, adapting….

She’s only got 7,000 dollars out of a 300k goal which makes you kind of think how garbage these influencer pieces of shit like the Kardashians are when they get paid 1,000,000 per episode EACH, from those monsters are DISNEY.

Kinda makes you wonder about the priorities of people sending money to Ukraine, when hotties like this live in their fucking communities….

You all fucking suck, but not Rebecca Koltun…she’s a legend…..

So DONATE TO HELP HER OUT NOW because she’s cool as shit.

Posted in:Rebecca Koltun