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Archive for the Religion Category




Religion is Beautiful of the Day

As long as you think gay sex is beautiful.

See I was a young boy in an orphanage in Mexico and I saw some pretty homo shit go down. Nothing serious happened to me but I knew at a young age religion was fucked, only because shit was corrupted by perverts, ex-cons, drug addicts, homeless and homosexuals who decided to become priests when they couldn’t find their way in normal society…..

Shit was population control, it is dated, uninteresting and unrealistic….It didn’t evolve with society and the lessons in it may be nice and wholesome and the fear that living a bad life may send you to hell is alright when you want people to self-govern…but when you see a priest or “ambassador of god”, who spent his life shoving the lessons down people’s throats, committed to the cause, while having gay sex with a 19 year old, you gotta wonder how legit the whole thing is….and I’m going with not very legit…

That’s not to say to not believe in whatever you believe in, don’t get bitter and think there is no God, don’t stop your little sex cult you’re creating in your neighborhood, cuz I don’t care what you believe I jut care when your religious idios are hypocrites…but I suggest you don’t go visit your priest afterhours and let him trick you into sucking on his old weathered dick for Jesus or some shit…

No this is not a gay site, but apparently when shit is sent from God it makes the sex not gay, but instead Holy….and I just find it a funny story…

Posted in:Religion