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Archive for the Rowdy Ronda Rousey Category




Rowdy Ronda Rousey Strategic Nudity for ESPN Body of the Day

I have a friend who is gay for the UFC….he pretends it is about the fighting and athleticism, but I am pretty sure it is about the dude on dude grinding…I can tell by the sparkle in his eye when he talks about it….well he was pissed off that I did a post on the ESPN body issue and that I didn’t bother posting pics of Rowdy Ronda, some chick UFC fighter he wants to fuck because she’s the gateway body to homosex with his idols without going homo…or some shit….

I’m not against fit girls, if anything I prefer it to fat chicks, I have already gone over it, but there’s just something about a girl that can kick my ass while doing pull ups that threatens my number one seduction strategy…..rape.

Here are the pics for my closet case UFC loving homo homeboy.

Posted in:Rowdy Ronda Rousey