I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Royal Family Category




Prince Charles’ Inbred Masturbation Hand of the Day

You know when you swim in the same exclusive, VIP gene pool for a couple of hundred years, you’re gonna end up with some fucked up genetic disorders. It’s just the way it is and it doesnt change if you take tradition from the backwoods, add a couple of billion dollars, power and palaces, it’s still gonna fuck you up, cuz that’s nature and I guess nature’s way of punishing you people for being elitast cunts…

All that to say, maybe Prince William and Kate Middleton will be taking over the thrown sooner than later, cuz no one wants a king with Elephantitis…or at even a fucking weird looking masturbation hand…..

This just in…

Dear Sir,

I can promise you Prince Charles does not have “Elephantitis”. However, he may have Elephantiasis

Thank you for your service.

Spelling is overrated, as is google, wikipedia and spellcheck that just highlighted google, wikipedia and spellcheck…..Motherfuckers….you best protect your masturbation hand….


Posted in:Royal Family