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Sara Tansy and Her Duck Swag of the Day


Sara Tansy is an amazing photographer who I guess also gets in front of the camera…sometimes naked…because…everyone should be naked…at least for me…because I like looking at naked everything…I am a creepy pervert who turns art and innocent nudity into porn…but then again…I make girls tying their shoes, driving…applying lipstick…eating ice cream porn too…everything…even things not intended to be porn are porn to the right person..

That said, she’s based out of Melbourne Australia and she has a pet Duck naked Louie DK…which seems absolutely insane…but when they do photoshoots together…it seems absolutely magical…like some kind of Disney inspired love story….but that magic may have less to do with the duck and more to do with half nakedness …especially when half nakedness looks like Sara Tansy…and all of her body parts…

I may or may not be in love with her..but I am definitely in love with her pretty pics of her and her duck…

Shot by Le TANS – www.sara-tansy.com / @sara_tansy

Posted in:NSFW|Sara Tansy