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Archive for the Sex Blogger Category




NYC Sex Blogger’s Calendar of the Day

Here’s a genius idea, get a group of sex bloggers no one has heard about in lingerie and take pictures of them to make a calendar out of, where the proceeds go to some sex workers organization.

You know, because bloggers are really the kind of people you want to see in lingerie. They’re not people who you never want to see because it will ruin your opinion of the shit they write that you jerk off to , you know everything changes when the sluts talking about sex aren’t actually sluts because they never got sex growing up, but people who just study it and make it their lives to make up for what they are missing in their day to day lives.

You know, people who take the time to make a site, update a site, and write useless drivel on a site, are usually useless people not pretty enough to be allowed out of their house. Mainly because their jobs/hobbies alone prove that they have nothing else going on with their lives, while good lookin’ people are actually out there living, doing, fucking and not over analyzing and writing about the the shit to change the world with their army of 5 readers who know they exist.

Now, I’ve never heard of these bitches or their sites, and I wish I hadn’t seen these pictures of these bitches or their sites, because they are pretty fuckin’ busted, but I guess they’re hot for bloggers, which definitely is not saying much because sitting around eating oreos all day while talking about how masturbating is okay isn’t really conducive to being someone I want to watch masturbate.

Trust me, I know a guy who has a blog and he never leaves the house and when he does people give ratty hair, beard and body he let go many years ago looks of total disgust, maybe because he smells, is unshowered and wearing ratty dirty clothes, but probably because of the package as a whole and when they try to talk to him to see if he needs any help or for them to call an ambulance, his lack of social skills from having a blog and being married to a computer usually ends up offending them awkwardly and makes them go on their merry way, and allows him to go back to his useless site nobody ever reads…..He pretty much has no reason to be allowed to live, so celebrating his existence and cause by being in any pictures, magazines or calendars, despite how often he talks about his fat wife and small useless penis is really in society’s best interest.

Unfortunately, these bitches didn’t take my lead and stay hidden behind their computer screens for the benefit of humanity, and here are some of their pics, think of it as a preview to a calendar only lesbians will buy.

Now that’s enough coverage for these beasts.

Here’s the Behind the Scenes Video….

Posted in:Calendar|Sex Blogger