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Simona Krainova Nude Photoshoot of the DAy

Simona Krainov Nude Photoshoot

Who is Simona Krainova and what the hell is she doing posing for this nude photoshoot at 46 years old?

I guess it is called being an old Eastern European, who understands the not so subtle art of seducing your audience, diverting them from the real issues, like the fact that she’s 46, with the nudes….

I can’t read her wikipedia because it is in Czech, but I do like knowing that since she is 46 years old, she remembers communism, which makes her a special breed of human, one who has memories of waiting in line for toilet paper, only to not get toilet paper, which likely inspires a real solid work ethic…one that makes doing thing that American girls are too entitled and coddled to do, seem easy…like sex work. That is not to say Americans don’t to sex work, it’s just to say that hot Russians who lived through communism are really trained for the sex work, they have schools for that, Masters Degrees in it…

46 is seemingly far too old for this kind of behavior, but I guess when it is your life work and you’re not fat about it, you can’t stretch that out a decade longer, but if it wasn’t an Eastern European from communism, it wouldn’t be as good. So here it is.

Simona Krainov Nude Photoshoot


Posted in:Simona Krainova