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Archive for the Snapchat Category




DrunkStepfather Memorial Day Snapchat Takeover of the Day

Her name is MARLENA POSA and she decided to do a DrunkenStepfather Snapchat takeover.

My snapchat is DrunkStepfather, you can scan this pic:


I realize that snapchat is the future, but I still hate all social media, I see people snapping their lives, and watching everyone’s bullshit life, and the whole thing is a huge waste of fucking time….but the kids fucking love it and I love getting my girls to get in bikinis and convene with you perverts outside of the site – because I am a modern day Patch Adams – making your shitty life better….

Follow DrunkStepfther on snap…it’s not the future, if anything it’s outdated with some old timer trying to navigate the new media landscape for the pussy…but it still happened – watch.

Posted in:Snapchat




Lucy Aragon is Topless on the Beach of the Day

Lucy Aragon is topless in Miami, you don’t know who she is, she’s barely an instagram model, but she’s roomates with a few instagram models and latching the fuck on…

I assume she’s in Miami preparing for Art Basel, not because she’s an artist, but because she’s into the scene and being part of all that the instagram models she’s befriended are into…There are a series of events all these idiots all go to, NY Fashion Week, SXSW, Coachella, Art Basel…who gives a fuck you scenester social media fucks…

Her claim to fame is having a snapchat tattoo, because she stupidly didn’t get pregnant from Evan from snapchat…before he was a massive billionaire….

But I guess the paparazzi, who are going broke, are desperate, as desperate as this hardly a model…getting topless to be seen…


If you’re into things SNAPCHAT has put his dick in, other than piles of money, and all of the world’s private snaps, here’s his new girlfriend, Miranda Kerr who Dresses for New York Weather, without jacket, because that’s the kind of keen bitch she is, in her efforts to Lure in Billionaires

To See the Rest of the Pics –

Posted in:Lucy Aragon|Miranda Kerr|Snapchat