I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Snooki Category




Snooki’s Leaked Nudes of the Day

I was emailed yesterday about these Snooki nude pics, but I was drunk and I couldn’t be bothered finding a fucking computer to post them to the internet, because they are fucking Snooki nude pics, something I have no interest in seeing, even though I like seeing all girls naked, you see cuz I just never saw her as a girl, but more of a gutter troll that sucks the life out of all things, mainly TVs and the idiot kids who watch her bullshit….and the amazing thing is that I have heard people say that she’s hot…which is a fucking flaw in the fucking entertainment industry…cuz just cuz she’s on TV doesn’t mean she’s worth fucking, bro.

I don’t know where the uncensored titty pics are – and I don’t think I want to find out – I am not that adventurous…

Posted in:NSFW|Snooki