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Archive for the Sofia Fanego Category




Sofia Fanego Tits for Some Fashion Magazine of the Day

Sofia Fanego is an Argentinian mode, born in 1992, who is 5 foot 9, her dress size is a 3 and I’ve never heard of her…but now I know all kinds of really valuable information, provided I was out buying her a dress, or a freak who can only get off to pics of bitches if I get to cum on a dress that is her actual size….and I’ve also seen her ass and titties for fashion….which to a model is better than seeing her ass and titties in porn…

The magazine is called Factice….a weird name that reminds me of fapping and practice….cuz Factice makes perfect…but it also makes you grow hair on your palms while your dead relatives watch….and can get out of hand and become an addiction….yo…

Here is the video…..

Posted in:NSFW|Sofia Fanego