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Archive for the Sofia Gomez Category




Sofia Gomez Brings the Tits of the Day

Sofia Gomez is not Selena Gomez but they could be related because they are all related, aren’t they? Both have the same last name and that usually means that somewhere down the line their ancestors were created by the same sperm…..

It could explain why this Sofia Gomez chick has such big tits, since Selena Gomez has such big tits, but those are probably aftermarket or some side effect from the hormones she’s on so that she doesn’t die of her lupus…while this girl’s tits are just ridiculous.

She’s apparently a gay flag carrying voice actress and content creator who does content around her titties since she doesn’t really have much choice.

I guess her claim to fame is being TEE ZENG in KUNG FU SOCK…whatever the fuck that is, probably something that will make nerds COOOM harder to her giant tits.

She does a ton of COSPLAY shit, so I’m sure the foundation of her titty empire stems from nerd COOM….nerd COOM is the GROUT that keeps the tiles on the bathroom wall, the mortar that keeps the BRICKS and stones in place so big tits keeps on earning…

It all seems pretty exploitative, not to her tits, but to the weak nerds who have no control over their COOM because this chick has figured out how easy it is to game the motherfuckers…it’s almost unfair and abusive…

Posted in:Sofia Gomez